Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sashay yarn Capelet

When I was searching for projects to make with the Starbella yarn and the Sashay Yarn all I could find were scarfs and more scarfs. But then I came across a skirt made with the Sashay yarn. I showed it to my little one and she didn't want to wear it. But she said she would like a capelet. So I made a capelet using Sashay yarn and it is very pretty. Me Jr says that is like a queen's cape. I am glad she liked it. And here is a very small tutorial of how to knit with Sashay yarn.

Another thing is, while making a skirt or a cape using sashay you would have to use Sashay in combination with other yarn to create the body otherwise the whole thing will just fall apart.

Sashay yarn capelet

To make this capelet I knitted a chain of 100 and every 5th or 6th row was a sashay and worsted yarn combination. The trick here is one time the yarn is on the right side the other time the yarn is on the wrong side. You would have to learn to knit in the back side of the knit or the purl side.

And 100 chain length I feel is a bit small for a 5-6 yr old. So I would recommend at least 130-140 chain length. And finally I ended it with a crochet band and buttons. And for this I used 1 Sashay bundle and I worsted yarn. Depending on your size you might need more or less

And here is a little video I made about how to knit starbella or sashay yarn in combination with the other yarn. This is my first time making a video so bear with me


  1. I searched if anyone else has made a shawl. I just finished a shawl and will post the pictures later.
    on your caplet do you have ruffles on both sides?

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  2. Thanks for the message Shana. No, I don't have any ruffles on the inside. The side is on the inside and its plain pink.
    Looking forward for your shawl's picture

  3. You are very talented. I saw your work on your blogs.
    I have now posted the pictures of my shawl.
